Collective syrmak workshop with Gulnur Mukazhanova
Join us for a workshop with Gulnur Mukazhanova as part of transfeminisms' fourth chapter, Care and Kinship.
Berlin-based Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova gives a collective workshop on the production of a syrmak, a traditional Central Asian stitched felt carpet. The public is welcome to participate in the creation of the handmade and colorful collective textile piece.
At the center of Gulnur 's artistic practice is the exploration and questioning of traditional cultural values, identities, rituals of her Kazakh heritage, and the nomadic roots of her ancestors. Felting, which is likely one of the oldest textile processing techniques, is an essential aspect of her practice. The production process resembles a meditative exercise in which she constantly endeavors to perfect the technique and its profound meaning. This workshop gives an insight into her artistic approach and working practices that will also be able to be seen in the exhibition.
There will be traditional tea and snacks to accompany the session.
This workshop will be held at Mimosa House on Friday 13th September 6-8:00pm.